lssued : August 3, 2021 ADVANTEC Toyo Roshi Kaisha,Ltd. 2-2-3,tJchisa􈎺vaicho,(〕hiyoda―ku TOkyO,loo―ooll Japan Certificate We hereby certifi/ the quality of membrane filter as follows : Product Name l Mixed Ce‖ulose Ester type mernbrane llter ITEM : A020H047A LOT No. : 10322202 PORE SIZE : 0.20 μm use befOre : Mar.31,2024 Item Result Bubble Point(MPa) *1 0.420 Min.| Burst Strength(MPa) 0.285 Min. Water Flow Rate(ml,/min' cm2) *2 15.6 Min. Thickness( lr m) 134 Ave. RECOVERY (%) PseudorTlonas diminuta ATCC 19146 101.5 Steri‖ty Test Zero GroMh Ster‖ized by E.0.G Ster‖ity Method xl Bubble Point is determined in accordance with ASTM F316-03 Standard Test Methods for Pore Size characteristics of Membrane Filters by Bubble Point and Mean Flow Pore Test. *2 Flow Rate is determined in accordance with ASTM F317-72 Standard Test Method for Liquid Flow Rate of Membrane Filters. Pressure -0.069MPa. Authori d Si a ture